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Purpose of this Page
Here is a complete list of topics for Abstract Algebra I (math305-a23) organized by lecture. As the semester progresses I add additional content, study suggestions, and descriptions. If you are in the course, you should bookmark this page and check back often!
For more information about the course, see our class homepage. For a detailed schedule from the college, see the academic calendar.
Meeting 01
Diagnostic Exam
I asked students to take a short diagnostic examination. This exam will NOT affect your grades in any way. Though an unexciting way to start the semester, this is the best way for me to gague student background and thought processes.
Students are required to read (and keep notes on) our syllabus before the next meeting. If you have any questions, please bring them to that lecture.
Meeting 02
Diagnostic Exam Solutions
I gave solutions to the diagnostic exam questions during this lecture. This should give students an idea of how I expect problems to be solved and proofs to be written throughout the semester.
Students should write clean solutions to the problems we didn't get to.
Practice Problems
Some of these will be presented during a future lecture.
- Solve the following exercises from textbook section 1.4.
- Sets and Logic
- 1 – 3, 4 – 8 (evens), 11, 14 – 15. (Solve at least three).
- Functions
- 19, 22 – 24. (Solve at least two).
- Relations
- 21, 25 – 26, 28. (Solve at least three).
Meeting 03
Brief Overview of the Course
- Properties of the integers
- Generalizing properties of \( \mathbb{Z} \) is one of the main motivations for this course. As it arises, we'll review some basic number theory and properties enjoyed by the integers.
- Groups
- These generalize \( \mathbb{Z} \) as a set with a single operation. However, groups also appear naturally as the "symmetries of structures". We'll cover the basic structure of groups, natural examples, different types of group, how new groups can be built from old, what functions should do with groups, and more.
- Rings
- These generalize \( \mathbb{Z} \) as a set with two operations that interact in controlled ways (think addition AND multiplication). As with groups, we'll cover basic structure, many examples and types of ring, operations on them, and as much more as we can stomach.
- Polynomial Rings
- These are a special kind of ring that you are already familiar with from calculus and linear algebra (though they weren't used in quite this way for those classes). We'll cover some fundamental properties of polynomial rings and their algebra.
- Fields
- Fields are like rings older siblings. They are rings themselves, but they are more controlled and behave better. I'm hoping to reach fields, if possible, but this one may have to be put out to pasture…
Properties of the Integers
Motivating Group Theory
We looked at the integers with addition to abstract some properties. We then considered the symmetries of the triangle, and which of these were still satisfied.
Homework Due
- Read chapter 2 from the textbook. This is about 10 pages of reading, but it should mostly be review.
- For a future lecture, attempt the following exercises from textbook section 2.4:
- Induction
- 3, 4 (also express the left side in sigma notation), 5.
Meeting 04
First Introduction to Groups
- Abstract definition
- General dihedral groups of order \( 2n \).
- Common Groups (\( (\mathbb{Z}, +), (\mathbb{Q}, +), (\mathbb{R}, +), (\mathbb{C}, +) \))
Homework Due
- Read textbook section 3.1.
Meeting 05
Student Presentations (Round 1)
See this document for presenters and their problems.
Update: Thanks to everyone who presented!
Proving something is a group
In the time remaining after presentations, we started a proof that \( M_{2, 2}(\mathbb{R}) \) is a group under matrix addition.
Written Homework 01 Due
Be sure that it is typed up in LaTeX (it will not be accepted if written by hand). See my LaTeX notes for a hand with this (including a template LaTeX file for writing homework). Also feel free to come to office hours!
Meeting 06
More Examples and Non-examples of Groups
- \( M_{2, 2}(\mathbb{R}) \) under addition [yes] and multiplication [no]
- The unit circle as a group
- \( \mathbb{Z} / n\mathbb{Z} \) under addition [yes] and multiplication [no]
- \( U(n) \), the units mod \( n \), under addition [no] and multiplication [yes]
- Functions of a set \( S \): injections [no], surjections [no], and bijections [yes]
Properties of Groups
We proved that the identity element of a group is uniquely determined.
Homework Due
- Read and take notes on textbook section 3.2.
Meeting 07
Note: I've moved the due date of written homework 02 to next week on Wednesday.
Properties of Groups
Office Hours Cancelled
I'll be traveling and won't be able to give office hours today (
). As usual, feel free to email me if you have questions—I'll respond as I'm able.Meeting 08
Problem Session
I'm traveling for a conference this weekend. Students agreed to work together on this problem set while I'm away. I suggest you meet at the usual class time to discuss the problems together.
You only need to turn in one copy of the assignment per group.
Meeting 09
Problem Session
I'm still traveling (this time towards Tenessee). Students agreed to work together on this problem set while I'm away. I suggest you meet at the usual class time to discuss the problems.
You only need to turn in one copy of the assignment per group.
Meeting 10
At the beginning of this lecture, I addressed concerns students had about the work load in this course. I have decided to change the way I assign homeworks. From now on, I will give students two homework questions per lecture; I will expect a solution (written up in LaTeX) to at least one of these problems. Problems are due no later than one week after they were assigned, but can be handed in early if you want quicker feedback. Finally, a few notes.
- Homeworks will now be named by the class period they were assigned.
- On this page, homeworks will be linked on the day they are assigned, instead of the day they are due.
Properties of "exponents" for groups
For all \( n \in \mathbb{N} \) and all \( g \in G \), we denote the \( n \)-fold products \( g \cdot g \cdot \cdots \cdot g = g^n \), and \( g^{-1} \cdot g^{-1} \cdot \cdots \cdot g^{-1} = g^{-n} \).
Let \( G \) be a group with \( x, y \in G \) and \( m, n \in \mathbb{Z} \).
- \( x^{-n} = (x^{-1})^n = (x^n)^{-1} \),
- \( x^m \cdot x^n = x^{m + n} \),
- \( (xy)^n = (y^{-1} x^{-1})^{-n} \), and
- If \( xy = yx \), then \( (xy)^n = x^n y^n \). In particular, if \( G \) is abelian, then the equality holds for all \( x, y \in G \).
A subgroup of group \( (G, \cdot) \) is a group \( (H, \cdot_H) \) where \( H \subseteq G \), and \( \cdot_H \) is \( \cdot \) restricted to \( H \). In particular, a subgroup is a subset of a group which forms a group under the restricted operation.
After defining subgroups, we looked at a few examples.
Written Homework 02 Due
Group Assignment Due
Turn in the problem set you worked on together while I was away. You only need to turn in one copy of the assignment per group.
Meeting 11
Properties of Subgroups
We discussed more examples of subgroups of a group. We then gave a proof of the Three Step Subgroup Test.
Solve (at least one of) these exercises.
NOTE: I've changed the due date of homework 03 to give you a few more days (that makes at least two weeks that the assignment will have been available).
Meeting 12
Student Presentations (Round 2)
See this document for presenters and their problems.
Update: Thank you to all the presenters!
Homework 03 Due Date Moved to Wednesday
I am a benevolent dictator.
More seriously, This is the last homework operating on the old, weekly model. I decided it was only kind to push it back a lecture (this gives students over two weeks to have worked on it).
Meeting 13
Practice with Subgroups
We proved that the center of a group is a subgroup. We discussed (at some length) how to work with group operations and think about subgroups.
Element Order
The order of an element \( g \in G \) is \[ \vert g\vert = \inf\{k \in \mathbb{Z}_{>0} : g^k = e\} . \] We noted that this set can be empty (hence \( \inf \) instead of \( \min \), allowing \( \vert g \vert = \infty \)). We then proceeded to work through several examples.
Written Homework 03 Due
Note: I plan to hand these back on Friday, during the review session. This is among the best-laid plans of mice and men… (Update: I made it happen!)
Meeting 14
Review for Exam 1
Students should bring questions to the lecture. Homeworks and the like are a good source of questions.
Update: Thank you for bringing your questions!
Exam 1 Moved to Monday (Meeting 15)
I offered to move the exam back by one lecture, so students could use the weekend to study. Students agreed (on email) that this is what they wanted.
In unrelated news, students voted me "nicest abstract algebra teacher of the fall 2023 semester at the University of the South". I graciously accepted, glad to have won the fierce competition with all the other professors lecturing on abstract algebra in the fall 2023 semester at the University of the South.
Update: Students asked me when the vote was held. I explained that my election was uncontested.
Meeting 15
Exam 1
During the usual class time. Following the exam, please watch this video to prepare for future lectures.
Update: Exam 1 has been graded and returned. Students should feel free to meet with me on office hours to discuss the problems and their solutions.
Meeting 16
Cyclic Groups
- Definition
- A group \( G \) is cyclic when there is a \( g \in G \) such that for all \( x \in G \) we have \( x = g^k \) for some \( k \in \mathbb{Z} \). The element \( g \) is called a generator for \( G \).
- Examples
- Let \( n \in \mathbb{Z} \).
- \( n\mathbb{Z} \) is cyclic.
- \( \mathbb{Z} / n\mathbb{Z} \) is a cyclic group.
- The set of rotations of a regular \( n \)-gon is a cyclic subgroup of \( D_n \).
- The set of \( 2 \times 2 \) matrices with integer entries and having the form \( \begin{bmatrix} 1 & n \\ 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix} \)
- The units group \( U(p) \) for prime \( p \).
- Non-Examples
- None of the following are cyclic.
- The dihedral group \( D_n \) for \( n \geq 3 \).
- The set \( S_n \) of self-bijections of \( \{1, 2, \dots, n\} \) under function compositions. This is called the symmetric group on \( n \) letters, and features prominently in group theory.
- The special linear group \( \mathrm{SL}_n(\mathbb{Z}) \).
- Solve (at least one of) these exercises.
- Read about and take notes on cyclic groups. Focus your attention on section 4.1. You can read the other sections if you would like to see some of their cool applications.
Meeting 17
Generators and Subgroups of Cyclic Groups
Proved several propositions concerning cyclic groups, their subgroups, and conditions on whether or not an element can generate the whole group.
- Read about and take notes on cyclic groups (if you haven't already).
- Solve (at least one of) these exercises.
Meeting 18
Cyclic Groups
Finished proving that if \( G = \langle g \rangle \) is finite of order \( n \), then \( |g^k| = \frac{n}{\gcd(n,k)} \).
Refresher on Functions
Refresher on functions and the terminology surrounding them. This included reminders about the definitions and properties of injective, surjective, and bijective functions.
Having only a few minutes left, I ended with a fun aside about right inverses and the Axiom of Choice. Students agreed that mathematical logic is "the best thing ever".
Meeting 19
Symmetric Group
The symmetric group on set \( X \) is \( S_X \), the set of bijective functions \( X \to X \). Such bijective functions are permutations of \( X \). When \( X = \{1, 2, \dots, n\} \), we abbreviate to \( S_n \).
We did the following.
- looked at \( S_1 \), \( S_2 \), and \( S_3 \) in depth,
- learned about array notation for permutations, and
- began proving that \( S_X \) is indeed a group (completed closure and associativity).
Meeting 20
Symmetric Group
- Finished our proof that \( S_X \) is a group.
- Discussed examples and basic properties of \( S_n \).
Meeting 21
Note that the third round of presentations has moved to Friday.
Symmetric Group
- Cycle representation.
- Composition of cycles.
- Read more about permutations groups (section 5.1). Pay particular attention to their discussion of cycles and transpositions.
- Solve (at least one of) these exercises.
Meeting 22
Cycle Decomposition
- Discussed different ways to express permutations.
- Outline a proof that there exists (an essentially unique) decomposition of every element of \( S_n \) as a product of disjoint cycles.
Meeting 23
Student Presentations (Round 3)
See this document for presenters and their problems.
Update: Thanks to all who presented!
Cycle Decomposition
- Began the proof of the essential uniqueness of cycle decomposition.
- Continue to read about permutations groups (section 5.1).
- Finish the proof that disjoint cycles commute.
- Have a restful fall break!
Fall Break
Lectures resume
.Meeting 24
Cycle Decompositions
- Illustrated the existence portion of the proof with an example.
- The full proof appears in a video (linked at a later lecture date).
- Defined transpositions.
- Showed via counterexample that transpositions do NOT allow us to decompose elements uniquely.
- A video will prove that it is always possible to express a permutation as a product of transpositions.
- Another video will prove that the number of transpositions used to express \( \sigma \) has the same parity (but not necessarily the same number) regardless of how we express it as a product of transpositions.
Meeting 25
Lecture was cancelled because I had to travel today.
Cycle Decomposition
Watch and take notes on this video on cycle decompositions. Note that some details are left to you! You can also read the actual notes from the actual video.
Meeting 26
Lecture was cancelled because I had to travel today.
Watch and take notes on this video on fundamental properties of transpositions. After that, do the same for this video on the parity of a permutation. Note that some details are left to you! You can also read the actual notes from the actual video.
Meeting 27
Alternating Group
Went through the proof that parity of transpositions is well-defined, using an example to illustrate the key ideas.
Defined cosets and calculated an initial example.
- Read about cosets and Lagrange's Theorem.
- Prove that the alternating group is a subgroup of the symmetric group.
Email me with your availability for our oral exam 2. Plan to speak with me for 45 minutes.
Update: I've emailed you with the planned time based on everyone's availability.
Meeting 28
- Worked through some examples computing cosets together.
- Began a proof that some five conditions concerning cosets are logically equivalent. These conditions are incredibly important to what we do in the future…
Meeting 29
Cosets and Lagrange's Theorem
- Proved the equivalence of five conditions regarding cosets.
- Proved that \( x \sim y \) when \( x^{-1}y \in H \) is an equivalence relation whose equivalence classes are the left cosets.
- Proved that cosets are equicardinal, i.e., \( |xH| = |yH| \) for all \( x, y \in G \).
- Proved Lagrange's Theorem: If \( H \leq G \) then \( |H| \big\mid |G| \).
Meeting 30
Consequences of Lagrange's Theorem
- Index of a subgroup.
- Cool theorems.
Exam 2 (Oral Exam)
You have each received an individual email with a time to meet me. As preparation, you should go through your notes, work on problems from the textbook, and work through old homework problems. In addition, work on this bank of problems that I consider fair games for the oral. You can bring solutions to these problems with you to our meeting.
Meeting 31
Definition and invariants of various kinds.
Meeting 32
We proved the following.
- Described some "global isomorphism invariants" of groups, e.g., abelian and cyclic.
- Every cyclic group is isomorphic to either \( \mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z} \) or \( \mathbb{Z} \).
- Cayley's Theorem: Every group is isomorphic to a permutation group.
Meeting 33
Product Groups
- Defined the external direct product.
- Gave some examples.
- Discussed properties.
Student Presentations (Round 4)
See this document for presenters and their problems.
- Read about normal subgroups and quotient groups
- Solve (at least one of) these exercises.
- Note problem 55 in the textbook. This would be an excellent problem for you to use to test your understanding of the course so far. I won't assign it, but you might try it.
Meeting 34
Normal Subgroups
- Discussed the definition.
- Worked through multiple examples and non-examples.
- Proved some fundamental properties.
- Keep reading about normal subgroups and quotient groups
- Solve (at least one of) these exercises.
Meeting 35
Quotient Groups
- Discussed the definition.
- Worked through multiple examples and non-examples.
- Keep reading about quotient groups
- Solve (at least one of) these exercises.
Meeting 36
Quotient Groups
- Proved that they are, indeed, groups!
- Discussed their use and more examples.
Meeting 37
More Properties of Normal Subgroups and Quotients
- Discussed nested normal subgroups.
- Found counterexamples and proofs for several statements regarding nested normal subgroups.
Thanksgiving Break
Meeting resumes on
I cancelled Meeting 38 (
) in the interest of removing barriers to ease of holiday travel. Travel safe!Meeting 39
- Definition.
- All of the examples.
- Some of the non-examples.
- Basic properties.
Meeting 40
Homomorphism Theorem
Discussed the homomorphism theorem, which describes the conditions under which a homomorphism "factors through" a projection to a quotient group.
Meeting 41
Isomorphism Theorems
- Proved the First Isomorphism Theorem.
- Discussed examples with the First Isomorphsm Theorem.
- Stated and briefly discussed the Second and Third Isomorphism Theorems.
Meeting 42
Fundamental Theorem of Finite Abelian Groups
Sketched a proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Finite Abelian Groups. This required tying a lot of propositions over the course of the semester together.
This is the last day to hand in homeworks from before meeting 39.
Final Exam
is a reading day.
Because I am too kind for my own good, I held office hours from 9am to 4pm on the reading day.
All final oral exams will be held in my office, with individual meetings. Your time and day (based on your and my availability) has been emailed to you.
UPDATE: Final grades are posted on Banner. Thanks for a great semester! Feel free to come chat with me or send me an email to say "howdy" anytime you like :)