Linear Algebra: Syllabus
This page serves as the syllabus for math304-05-s21, taught by Chris Eppolito. I reserve the right to change any portion of this document at any time, and without prior notice. Read this document carefully. I suggest you also see the online learning tips on the home page (and let me know if you have any further suggestions).
Course Information
Instructor: Chris Eppolito (please call me "Chris")
Email: eppolito-at-math-dot-binghamton-dot-edu
Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 09:40 to 10:40 in the same Zoom room as lectures. I am also available by appointment (email me to propose a time to meet).
Here are a few short remarks on the content in this course.
This course will be delivered entirely online; this means all meetings and exams will be virtual (see the home page for our meeting information). I may occasionally make asynchronous video lectures to replace an in-person lecture.
The purpose of this course is to introduce you to the basic concepts, topics, and techniques of linear algebra. This includes the following topics at a minimum (not necessarily in this order): solving linear systems, Euclidean vector spaces, bases and dimension of vector spaces, matrices and matrix operations, linear transformations, matrix inversion, similar matrices, eigenvectors and eigenvalues, diagonalization, orthogonality.
See the full schedule of topics for information on what we covered from day-to-day.
I teach from my own notes, not following any textbook very closely. However, I will suggest readings and exercises from the following free textbooks throughout the course. Keep in mind that each of these approaches the subject from different angles, and sometimes use slightly different notations and terminology.
- Linear Algebra, 4e by Jim Hefferon
- A First Course in Linear Algebra, v3.5 by Robert Beezer
- Elementary Linear Algebra by K. Matthews
- Linear Algebra by David Cherney et al.
Here are some things I expect from you; I will not tolerate any deviation from these standards.
- You will submit your own work, and adhere to the BU policy on Academic Honesty.
- You will be courteous to other students and myself during ALL interactions.
- You will communicate with me if you have any concerns–I can't help you if I don't know you have a problem!
- You will write LEGIBLY for all assigned written work, and at least one "first draft" of assignments due more than 24 hours after assignment. This means I expect anything you turn in to be legible AND well-organized with clear logic describing the solution.
I encourage collaboration between students on written homework assignments and on practice problems; if you do work with another student, you MUST CITE THEM as a collaborator on each problem you compared. Collaboration on Quizzes is FORBIDDEN unless I say otherwise.
Copying another student's solutions is NEVER collaboration–that is cheating and will be treated as such.
Gradescope Guidelines
Gradescope submissions must conform to the following standards; FAILURE TO DO SO WILL RESULT IN AN AUTOMATIC 0 ON THE AFFECTED PROBLEMS/ASSIGNMENTS.
- All problems must be linked to the appropriate pages.
- All work must be legible (as judged by me).
- All solutions must be submitted in PDF format from a scanner application (e.g. Genius Scan is free for both iOS and Android with a university email).
- All solutions must clearly demonstrate the logic used, and may only use methods and notations discussed in my lectures or OK'd by me in advance.
Academic Honesty
The shift to remote and hybrid teaching due to the COVID-19 pandemic has required that both instructors and students make changes to their normal working protocols for courses. Students are asked to practice extra care and attention in regard to academic honesty, with the understanding that all cases of plagiarism, cheating, multiple submission, and unauthorized collaboration are subject to penalty. Students must properly cite and attribute all sources used for papers and assignments. Students may not collaborate on exams or assignments, directly or through virtual consultation, unless the instructor gives specific permission to do so. Posting an exam, assignment, or answers to them on an online forum (before, during, or after the due date), in addition to consulting posted materials, constitutes a violation of the university’s Honesty policy. Likewise, unauthorized use of live assistance websites, including seeking “expert” help for specific questions during an exam, can be construed as a violation of the honesty policy. All students should be familiar with the University’s Student Academic Honesty Code.
Academic Accommodation
If you have a disability for which you are or may be requesting an accommodation, please contact both your instructor and the Services for Students with Disabilities office (119 University Union, 607-777-2686) as early in the term as possible. Note: extended time for the examinations may not automatically apply to the interview-style exams, but we will work with you to provide reasonable accommodations that are appropriate for your situation.
Earning Grades
YOU are responsible for obtaining the final grade you want in this course. If you want an A, make sure your grades are in the A range.
There is NO EXTRA CREDIT, so don't ask for it. If you need help, I can provide it as long as I know you are looking for help. When all is said and done, you get the grade you earn…
Score Ledger
Your course grade will be decided by the following components (cf. the maths department web-page): WeBWork (5%), Quizzes (20%), Midterms (3 worth 20% each), and a Final (15%).
Grades are decided on the following APPROXIMATE distribution (subject to change):
F [0,45), D [45,50), C- [50,55), C [55,65), C+ [65,70), B- [70,75), B [75,80), B+ [80,85), A- [85,90), A [90,∞).
Assignments and Exams
Here are the types of assignments you can expect in this course. All forms of collaboration are FORBIDDEN on all of these assignments, unless I expressly say otherwise and in WRITING for a particular assignment.
Each midterm exam is worth 20% of your overall score.
The final exam is worth 15% of your overall score.
Quizzes are collectively worth 20% of your overall score. Quizzes will be collected, graded, and returned using Gradescope. Some quizzes will be given during meetings, and some will be assigned due later.
Homework is common to all sections of the course (although due dates may vary), and is assigned, collected, and graded using WeBWork.