Linear Algebra: Schedule
Here is a complete list of topics organized by week. Each topic has associated content for you to study and take notes on. This page is no longer updated; links are very likely to break in the future.
Week 01 (02-11 to 02-13)
Discussed the syllabus and expectations.
Introduction to Linear Algebra
We discussed the basic terminology and concepts necessary for understanding linear algebra. This includes some set theory notation and a brief introduction to complex numbers.
As a first quiz (due Sunday 2020-02-14 before 11:59pm), follow these instructions (printer-friendly) to familiarize yourself with Gradescope submissions.
Week 02 (02-14 to 02-20)
Solving Linear Systems (Part 1)
An introduction to solving linear systems via the method of Gaussian elimination.
Lecture notes (printer-friendly). Practice problems (printer-friendly). Further Reading: Hefferon One.I.1 – One.I.2 and Matthews 1.2.
Solving Linear Systems (Part 2)
Using augmented matrices as a tool for representing and solving linear systems. Solution sets and the possible types of solutions to linear systems.
Recording. Lecture notes (printer-friendly). Practice problems (printer-friendly). Further Reading: Hefferon One.I.2 and One.III.1 and Matthews 1.3 – 1.4.
Solving Linear Systems (Part 3)
Matrix operations and matrix equations. Some discussion of homogeneous and inhomogeneous linear systems.
Recording. Lecture notes (printer-friendly). Practice problems (printer-friendly). Further Reading: Hefferon One.I.3 and Three.IV.1 – Three.IV.3 and Matthews 1.5 and 2.1.
Week 03 (02-21 to 02-27)
Geometry and Linear Systems (Part 1)
Geometric objects in linear algebra. Vector addition, the dot product, and properties.
Recording. Lecture notes (printer-friendly). Practice problems (printer-friendly). Further Reading: Hefferon One.II.1 – One.II.2.
Geometry and Linear Systems (Part 2)
The dot product and geometry. Algebraic properties of vector addition. The Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality. The Triangle Inequality. Proved a formula relating the dot product to geometry.
Recording. Lecture notes (printer-friendly). Practice problems (printer-friendly). Further Reading: Hefferon One.II.2.
Reduced Row Echelon Form (Part 1)
Reduced row echelon form. The Linear Combination Lemma. Row equivalence of matrices.
Recording. Lecture notes (printer-friendly). Practice problems (printer-friendly). Further Reading: Hefferon One.III.1 – One.III.2.
Week 04 (02-28 to 03-06)
Reduced Row Echelon Form (Part 2)
More on reduced row echelon form and row equivalence.
Recording. Lecture notes (printer-friendly). Practice problems (printer-friendly). Further Reading: Hefferon One.III.2.
Matrix Transformations
Linear transformations arising from matrices.
Recording. Lecture notes (printer-friendly). Practice problems (printer-friendly). Further Reading: Hefferon Three.II.1 (up to Example 1.8).
Review for Exam 1
This meeting was a review session for exam one; students must bring questions.
I linked some practice exams from previous semesters below. I do NOT claim that these practice exams are representative of our exam in any way–in fact, I haven't looked at them at all. Use them at your own risk!
First Sample Exam (Solutions), Second Sample Exam (Solutions), Third Sample Exam (Solutions)
Week 05 (03-07 to 03-13)
Exam 1
Exam one took place during the normal lecture time on Zoom.
Vector Spaces
Definition and examples of vector spaces.
Recording. Lecture notes (printer-friendly). Practice problems (printer-friendly). Further Reading: Hefferon Two.I.1.
A vector space within a vector space… It's spaception….
Recording. Lecture notes (printer-friendly). Practice problems (printer-friendly). Further Reading: Hefferon Two.I.2.
Week 06 (03-14 to 03-20)
Subspaces and Span
Span of a set of vectors in a vector space.
Recording. Lecture notes (printer-friendly). Practice problems (printer-friendly). Further Reading: Hefferon Two.I.2.
Linear Independence
Introduction to and properties of linear independence.
Recording. Lecture notes (printer-friendly). Practice problems (printer-friendly). Further Reading: Hefferon Two.II.1.
Week 07 (03-21 to 03-26)
Bases (Part 1)
Introduction to bases of a vector space (with an emphasis on computations).
Recording. Lecture notes (printer-friendly). Practice problems (printer-friendly). Further Reading: Hefferon Two.III.1.
Bases (Part 2)
More on bases and dimension (with an emphasis on theory).
Recording. Lecture notes (printer-friendly). Practice problems (printer-friendly). Further Reading: Hefferon Two.III.2.
Bases and Dimension (Part 3)
Some final words on bases and dimension, including several computations.
Linear Maps of Vector Spaces
Introduction to linear maps of arbitrary vector spaces.
Recording. Lecture notes (printer-friendly). Practice problems (printer-friendly). Further Reading: Hefferon Three.II.1.
Week 08 (03-27 to 04-03)
Range and Null Spaces
Range and kernel of linear maps. Injective and surjective linear maps.
Recording. Lecture notes (printer-friendly). Practice problems (printer-friendly). Further Reading: Hefferon Three.II.2.
Linear Maps: Take Two
The rank-nullity formula (with proof). More simple propositions about linear maps.
Recording. Lecture notes (printer-friendly). Practice problems (printer-friendly). Further Reading: Hefferon Three.I.1-2 and Three.II.1.
Row and Column Spaces
Column and row spaces of a matrix, matrix rank, and consequences.
Recording. Lecture notes (printer-friendly). Practice problems (printer-friendly). Further Reading: Hefferon Two.III.3.
Week 09 (04-04 to 04-10)
Linear Operators
Linear maps from a vector space to itself. Linear maps \(\mathbb{R}^n \to \mathbb{R}^n\) are determined by square matrices (note: something more general is true…). Computing the inverse of a linear automorphism via matrix inversion (this is why we think about operators on \(\mathbb{R}^n\)).
Recording. Lecture notes (printer-friendly). Practice problems (printer-friendly). Further Reading: Hefferon Three.II.1 and Three.IV.4.
Quiz 01 (printer-friendly) is due via Gradescope by 11:59pm tonight!
Review for Exam 2
This meeting was a review session for exam two; students must bring questions.
I linked some practice exams from previous semesters below. I do NOT claim that these practice exams are representative of our exam in any way–in fact, I haven't looked at them at all. Use them at your own risk!
First Sample Exam (Solutions), Second Sample Exam (Solutions), More Practice (Solutions)
Exam 2
Exam two took place during the normal lecture time on Zoom.
Week 10 (04-11 to 04-17)
Elementary Matrices and Matrix Inversion
Row reduction and elementary matrices. Matrix inversion and elementary matrices.
Recording. Lecture notes (printer-friendly). Practice problems (printer-friendly). Further Reading: Hefferon Three.IV.3 and Three.IV.4.
Determinant (Part 1)
Introduction to the determinant of a matrix transformation. Some properties of the determinant.
Recording. Lecture notes (printer-friendly). Practice problems (printer-friendly). Further Reading: Hefferon Four.I.1 – Four.I.2 (note: Hefferon uses vertical bars around a matrix to denote its determinant).
Determinant (Part 2)
More on properties of the determinant.
Recording. Lecture notes (printer-friendly). Practice problems (printer-friendly). Further Reading: Hefferon Four.I.1 – Four.I.4.
Week 11 (04-18 to 04-24)
Change of Basis
Introduction to changes of coordinate.
Recording. Lecture notes (printer-friendly). Practice problems (printer-friendly). Further Reading: Hefferon Three.V.1 – Three.V.2.
Quiz 02 (printer-friendly) is due via Gradescope by 11:59pm tonight!
Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues (Part 1)
Review of basis change (huh, that picture must be important: Chris keeps drawing it). Introduction to the eigenvectors, eigenvalues, and characteristic polynomial of a linear operator (mostly we did some simple computations).
Recording. Lecture notes (printer-friendly). Practice problems (printer-friendly). Further Reading: Hefferon Five.II.3.
Homework: Read Hefferon Five.I (it's only 3.5 pages).
Complex Numbers
Review of the complex numbers (see Hefferon Five.I for a deeper treatment). Can you find the mistake? :)
Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues (Part 2)
More on the computation of eigenvectors and eigenvalues, as well as a short introduction to similarity of matrices.
Lecture notes (printer-friendly). Practice problems (printer-friendly). Further Reading: Hefferon Five.II.1 – Five.II.3 and my notes (printer-friendly).
Week 12 (04-25 to 05-01)
Computation of eigenspaces and similarity of matrices.
Recording. Lecture notes (printer-friendly). Practice problems (printer-friendly). Further Reading: Hefferon Five.II.1 – Five.II.3 and my notes (printer-friendly).
Quiz 03 (printer-friendly) is due via Gradescope by 11:59pm tonight!
Matrix Diagonalization
Diagonalization of matrices (hence linear operators).
Recording. Lecture notes (printer-friendly). Practice problems (printer-friendly). Further Reading: Hefferon Five.II.1 – Five.II.3 and my notes on eigenspaces (printer-friendly) and diagonalization (printer-friendly).
Quiz 04 (printer-friendly) is due via Gradescope by 11:59pm tonight!
Matrix Diagonalization
More on diagonalization of matrices (hence linear operators), with a focus on computations.
Recording. Lecture notes (printer-friendly). Practice problems (printer-friendly). Further Reading: Hefferon Five.II.1 – Five.II.3 and my notes on eigenspaces (printer-friendly) and diagonalization (printer-friendly).
Quiz 05 (printer-friendly) is due via Gradescope by 11:59pm tonight!
Week 13 (05-02 to 05-08)
Orthogonality (Part 1)
Orthogonal projection. Orthogonal bases of subspaces of \(\mathbb{R}^n\) and the Gram-Schmidt process.
Recording. Lecture notes (printer-friendly). Practice problems (printer-friendly). Further Reading: Hefferon Three.VI.1 – Three.VI.2.
Quiz 06 (printer-friendly) is due via Gradescope by 11:59pm tonight!
Orthogonality (Part 2)
Brief introduction to orthogonal matrices and orthonormal bases in \(\mathbb{R}^n\). Orthogonal complements of subspaces of \(\mathbb{R}^n\).
Recording. Lecture notes (printer-friendly). Practice problems (printer-friendly). Further Reading: Hefferon Three.VI.2 – Three.VI.3.
Quiz 07 (printer-friendly) is due via Gradescope by 11:59pm tonight!
Review for Exam 3
This meeting was a review session for exam three; students must bring questions.
I linked some practice exams from previous semesters below. I do NOT claim that these practice exams are representative of our exam in any way–in fact, I haven't looked at them at all. Use them at your own risk!
First Sample Exam (Solutions), Second Sample Exam (Solutions), Third Sample Exam (Solutions)
Quiz 08 (printer-friendly) is due via Gradescope by 11:59pm tonight!
Note: Regrade requests for quizzes 2 through 6 due tonight.
Week 14 (05-09 to 05-15)
Exam 3
Exam three took place during the normal lecture time on Zoom.
Symmetric Matrices
A gentle introduction to symmetric matrices.
Recording. Lecture notes (printer-friendly). Practice problems (printer-friendly). Further Reading: Beezer TSM and MCC.
Real Symmetric Matrices
A proof that the eigenvalues of real symmetric matrices are all real. Some simple consequences of this fact.
Lecture notes (printer-friendly). Practice problems (printer-friendly).
Week 15 (05-16 to 05-18)
Orthogonal Diagonalization
More on orthogonal diagonalization of symmetric matrices.
Recording. Lecture notes (printer-friendly). Practice problems (printer-friendly).
Final Exam
Final Review Session (21 May 2021 from 1:30pm – 3:30pm)
I held an (optional but encouraged) review session on 21 May 2021 (PDF, printer-friendly, partial recording).
I linked some practice exams from previous semesters below. I do NOT claim that these practice exams are representative of our exam in any way–in fact, I haven't looked at them at all. Use them at your own risk!
First Sample Exam (Solutions), Second Sample Exam (Solutions), Third Sample Exam (Solutions), Fourth Sample Exam (Solutions), Fifth Sample Exam (Solutions)
Final Office Hours (24 May 2021 from 11am – 3pm)
I held my last open office hours for this course on 24 May 2021.
Final Exam (25 May 2021 from 8am – 10am)
Our final exam took place Tuesday, 25 May 2021 from 8:00am – 10:00am in the usual Zoom room.
Thanks for the semester!
Thank you students for your attention this semester, and best of luck in the future!