Purpose of this Page
Here is a complete list of topics organized by week. As the semester progresses I add additional content, study suggestions, and descriptions. If you are in the course, you should bookmark this page and check back often.
For more information about the course, see our class homepage (section 1).
For a detailed schedule from the college, see the academic calendar.
Week 01 (08-21 to 08-27)
Course Introduction
Discussed the syllabus.
Homework 0: Send me a short email with the following information (due by 31 August at Midnight).
- Who are you (preferred name, pronouns if you choose)? What is your major?
- What brings you to my class? Is it your major? Are you just curious? Something else?
- What do you hope to get out of this course?
- Share one fun fact about yourself.
(My Fun Fact: I like to go fishing, and one time I caught a catfish that was this big! /*stretches arms really wide/*)
Also think about the following for the next lecture:
- What do you think "proof" is?
- What kind of reasoning is irrefutable? Why do you think that?
Introduction to Logic
- Truth values.
- Logical connectives.
- Truth tables.
See our textbook on propositional statements and my notes on basic logic.
Week 02 (08-28 to 09-03)
Logical Equivalence
- Logical equivalence in mathematics and natural language.
- Algebra of logical equivalence (using the basic equivalences).
See Sundstrom's notes on logical equivalence and my notes on basic logic.
- Rules of Inference.
- Overview of natural deduction.
- Replacement rules, i.e., the law of equivalent exchange and simple applications of the rules of inference.
See Logica and my notes for discussion of natural deduction.
LaTeX (Optional)
I gave extra office hours on LaTeX guide, and use the source code as a starter for your homework projects.
in which I showed folks how to get started with the LaTeX typesetting language. Your can read myI suggest you use Overleaf to write your documents—that way you have access to their help pages and don't have to download any software.
Week 03 (09-04 to 09-10)
Homework 01 is due in class on .
Mini Homework (Due
): Prove \( P \rightarrow (Q \wedge (R \rightarrow P)) \equiv P \rightarrow Q \) via the algebra of statements.Note: The lecture on
was asynchronous (videos are posted below). Office hours on that day were cancelled.Natural Deduction Proofs
- Proofs in the propositional logic system.
- Some example problems in natural deduction.
Due to a dangerous kindness streak, I wrote a logic study sheet.
Predicate Logic
- Predicates and quantifiers.
- Sentence translation.
- Negation of statements: DeMorgan for Quantifiers.
- Proving existential statements.
I wrote and recorded videos on predicate logic, including sentence translation with predicates and working with predicates. Also see our textbook's notes on quantified logic.
Week 04 (09-11 to 09-17)
Homework 02 is due in class on .
- Set notations.
- Common sets.
- Set relationships: equal, subset, or neither!
- Set operations.
- Union.
- Intersection.
- Set difference.
- Proofs involving sets.
This week we gave our first proper proofs of some mathematical statements!
See Sundstrom's book concerning sets, set operations, and proofs of set relationships. See Levin's book for a summary of naive set theory from a mostly computational perspective.
Week 05 (09-18 to 09-24)
The lecture on
was a review for the first exam. For reasons unknown, I gave extra office hours on .Office hours on
were cancelled (I graded exams during that time).Proofs Involving Sets
- Chasing elements.
- Manipulating predicates.
- Direct proof.
Requested Solutions
I wrote the following solutions, requested by students:
Midterm Exam 1
The first exam is during class time in the usual room on
. You will have the full time to complete the exam.Week 06 (09-25 to 10-01)
Exam 1 was returned on
. Students had the opportunity to submit corrections for review by (no collaboration on this assignment).This week marks a shift in the course. I began assigning daily homework rather than large (bi)weekly assignments. I haven't tried this style before, so do bear with me and please forgive any minor bumps we may hit along the way.
More Proofs with Sets
- More element chasing.
- More discussion of how to think about proofs.
- More set operations.
- Powerset.
- Cartesian product.
See Sundstrom's book on properties of set operations and the cartesian product. See the homework page for exercises on proofs involving power sets and cartesian products.
- General relations.
- A relation \( R \) on set \( A \) is…
- reflexive when for all \( a \in A \) we have that \( a\, R\, a \).
- symmetric when for all \( a, b \in A \) we have that \( a\, R\, b \) implies \( b\, R\, a \).
- antisymmetric when for all \( a, b \in A \) we have that both \( a\, R\, b \) and \( b\, R\, a \) implies \( a = b \).
- transitive when for all \( a, b, c \in A \) we have that both \( a\, R\, b \) and \( b\, R\, c \) implies \( a\, R\, c \).
See my notes on relations and Sundstrom's book on general relations. See the homework page for exercises on general relations.
Week 07 (10-02 to 10-08)
Relations and Functions
- Relations
- Definition and more examples than anyone wanted.
- Properties relations may satisfy: reflexivity, symmetry, antisymmetry, transitivity.
- Equivalence relations: a relation on \( A \) is an equivalence relation when it is reflexive, symmetric, and transitive.
- Visualizing relations using digraphs (i.e., the "dots-and-arrows").
- Functions
- Injective
- Distinct inputs map to distinct outputs.
- Surjective
- Every element of the codomain is mapped to by some element of the domain.
- Bijective
- Both injective and surjective.
See my notes on functions and relations, and Sundstrom's book on equivalence relations, an introduction to functions, and injectivity, surjectivity, and bijectivity. See the homework page for exercises on equivalence relations, properties satisfied by special relations, and general functions.
Week 08 (10-09 to 10-15)
- Too many examples proving and disproving injectivity and surjectivity of given functions.
- Composition.
- Image and preimage.
- Inverse functions.
- Many proofs involving functions.
See my notes on funtions; I strongly encourage you to attempt the exercises therein… Also see Sundstrom's book on injectivity, surjectivity, and bijectivity, composition, images and preimages, and inverse functions. Finally, see the homework page for exercises on injectivity and surjectivity, composition, and more injective and surjective functions.
Week 09 (10-16 to 10-22)
There is no class
for Fall break. Do travel safely, and have a lovely holiday!Number Theory
- Basic properties of integer arithmetic.
- Closure under addition and multiplication.
- Commutativity of addition and multiplication.
- Associativity of addition and multiplication.
- Existence of additive and multiplicative identity.
- Existence of additive inverses.
- Notice: division is NOT listed here… So don't try to do that with integers in this class!
- Divisibility
- Definition.
- Basic properties.
- Some proofs involving divisibility.
- The Quotient-Remainder Theorem.
See my notes on elementary number theory. Try the exercises there, and don't forget the homework.
Week 10 (10-23 to 10-29)
I seem to be foolishly kind this week, so I offered extra office hours
(exact times communicated by email).Number Theory
- Using the Quotient-Remainder Theorem.
- Modular arithmetic.
- Divisibility and remainders.
- Well-definition of modular operations.
See my notes on elementary number theory.
Midterm Exam 2 (Friday, 28 October)
The second exam is during class time in the usual room on
. You will have the full time to complete the exam.Week 11 (10-30 to 11-05)
Number Theory
- Greatest common divisor.
- Elementary properties.
- Euclid's Algorithm.
- Solving modular equations.
- Zero divisors and how to detect them with the GCD.
See my notes on elementary number theory. See Sundstrom's book on the greatest common divisor, prime numbers, and solving linear congruences.
Don't forget to do the homework!
- Prime numbers.
- Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic (FTA).
- Greatest common divisors via the FTA.
Week 12 (11-06 to 11-12)
Proof by Contradiction
This proof method extends our proof methods. It is an application of the Reductio Ad Absurdum rule of logical inference.
We used this to prove the following two results:
- The square root of two is irrational.
- The Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic.
You should do the homework…
Induction and Recursion
- Weak mathematical induction, with many simple example proofs.
You have homework on this topic! See Sundstrom's book for an introduction to induction, alternate induction methods, and recursion.
Week 13 (11-13 to 11-19)
Induction and Recursion
- Strong mathematical induction
- Recursive definitions
- Fibonacci numbers
- Common pitfalls
- Many examples
See this Mathologer video for a cool consequence of some simple Fibonacci maths :) See Sundstrom's book for an introduction to induction, alternate induction methods, and recursion.
Week 14 (11-20 to 11-26)
There are no classes
and for Thanksgiving Break.Fibonacci Identities
- Fibonacci Universality
- If \( (A_n)_{n \geq 0} \) satisfies the Fibonacci recursion, then \( A_{n+1} = A_1 F_{n+1} + A_0 F_n \) for all \( n \geq 0 \).
- Convolution
- For all \( a, b \in \N \) we have \( F_{a+b+1} = F_{a+1} F_{b+1} + F_a F_b \).
- Divisibility
- For all \( d, n \in \N \), if \( d \mid n \), then \( F_d \mid F_n \).
The Fibonacci numbers are a great example of a recursively defined sequence. See the homework page!
Week 15 (11-27 to 12-03)
- Bijection Principle
- If \( f \colon A \to B \) is a bijection, then \( \#A = \#B \).
- Sum Principle
- If \( A \) and \( B \) are disjoint, then \( \#(A \cup B) = (\#A) + (\#B) \).
- Product Principle
- \( \#(A \times B) = (\#A)\cdot(\#B) \)
- Binomial Coefficients
- \( \binom{n}{k} = \#\left\{ S \subseteq [n] : \#S = k \right\} \)
See my notes. Levin's book has an excellent summary of techniques.
Week 16 (12-04 to 12-10)
Many examples of enumeration techniques, including…
- Permutations of \( n \)-sets
- Anagrams
We also discussed decision trees, for a CS-type description of what our counting procedures actually accomplish.
See my notes. Levin's book has an excellent summary of enumeration techniques and many exercises. See Levin's book for individual discussions of the sum and product principles, binomial coefficients, combinations and permutations, and combinatorial proofs.
Finally, see this video, where an expert in the field of enumeration describes their process (and how they became an expert).
Final Exam
The final exam will be official final exam schedule; in the event of a disagreement, that page supersedes this one!
, for courses in Canonical Hour F. See theDon't over-stress about the exam; you may find these three videos useful while studying. Also be sure to get a good night's sleep before the exam.
Do email if you have any questions or concerns. Be sure to take a break from studying to do something relaxing (e.g., take a walk or nap). Best of luck!
Course Completed
This page is no longer updated. Thanks for a great semester!
Last update: