Calculus III (Sections 1 and 6)
Table of Contents
This is the course website for the classes math323-01-f20 and math323-06-f20, i.e. Calculus III Sections 1 and 6 in the Fall 2020 semester at Binghamton University.
Course Links
Here are some important links.
- Schedule of Topics
- This is a schedule of topics and content organized by week. It also contains a description of the content delivery methods for this course.
- MATH 323 Website
- This link contains our syllabus. I reserve the right to change any policies described herein as much as I deem necessary pursuant to the effective delivery of material, and without prior notice.
- WebAssign
- Electronic homework assignments and your E-textbook.
- Gradescope
- For submitting handwritten assignments. Only submit PDF documents using a scanner application (e.g. Tiny Scanner for Android or iOS).
Course Information
Instructor: Chris Eppolito
Email: eppolito-at-math-dot-binghamton-edu
Zoom Meeting Room: This has been distributed to you already via email. In case you've forgotten, I've included it here in a cypher (to disincentivize wayward bots).
The meeting room has three groups of digits. Group one can be obtained by subtracting seventeen from one thousand. Group two can be obtained by computing the number of days in a year, flipping the last two characters of that number, and appending an eight at the end. Group three is eighty with its digits flipped followed by the resulting number times five.
I have enabled security features on the Zoom room which will place you in a waiting room when you join; be patient, I have to let you in by hand.
Office Hours: Fridays 08:00 – 09:30 and 16:40 – 18:10 in our Zoom meeting room. I am also available by appointment (email me to propose a time to meet).
Content Delivery
Here are a few notes on the delivery of this course to get you started.
This class is mostly asynchronous, meaning that you can work through the content at your liesure. There are two major exceptions to this mindset.
- There will be an average of one meeting per week at which student attendence is required. These meetings will always be during scheduled class times.
- The content still has associated deadlines; you must still complete these assignments by the due dates.
Content is delivered in the form of pre-recorded videos and PDF notes written by your instructor. Videos are required watching unless otherwise stated. You are expected to watch and take notes on videos.
Content is released periodically, usually at the beginning of the week. Students are responsible for working through all the material in a timely manner (at the very least before the homework is due).
Do NOT procrastinate on your work—this way lies madness… Stick to a schedule. I email students with suggestions for what to work on each class day in lieu of meeting; it is up to you whether or not you take my suggestions.
Learning Online
This is a place for study tips! Some of these were suggested by your peers on the weekly surveys. Here we go…
- Don't procrastinate! Set goals or make a to-do list for the class each day and make sure you acheive it!
- Practice makes perfect! Work both harder and smarter :)
- Do the practice problems. You learn maths by doing maths.
- Take notes on the videos and practice problems.
- Use the "read" and "watch" features on WebAssign if you get stuck.
- Pause the videos when you need to write something. Rewatch if you don't understand on the first try!
- Use GeoGebra for help visualizing things!
- Don't look up answers; do things on your own and ask a human for help when you get stuck. (PS. Chris thinks he's a human, so you could ask him).