Discrete Maths Section 1 (Spring 2020)

This is the official website of math314-01-s20.1 Please read our syllabus

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our course has gone entirely online. Please carefully read the updated syllabus and the site below.


General Information

Meetings: Meetings take place during our old class time (08:00 - 09:30 on MWF).

Office Hours: By appointment on Zoom. Appointments should be made for reasonable times of the day (“reasonable” as defined by me).

Textbook: Discrete Mathematics and its Applications (8e) by Kenneth Rosen.

Grading: See the course syllabus for a grade distribution.

Content: Propositional logic, methods of proof, naive set theory, functions and relations, induction and recursion, counting, and basic graph theory.

Content Delivery

Videos: I will upload videos to replace some lectures. You are to watch these videos, take notes, and answer any questions posed in them.2)

Notes: I will sometimes post PDFs for you to read. These are assigned reading; take notes on these PDFs, as they are fair game for homework and the final exam.

Readings: I will still assign reading from the textbook.

Problem Sessions: Roughly twice a week, I will host a problem session on Zoom during our old class meeting time. You are expected to attend these sessions.


Here is a quick look at what you will need to submit homework for the remainder of the course.


Homework is to be submitted as a PDF through Gradescope; the company has made their service free-to-use for this semester. See the Gradescope guide for students and watch the Gradescope video on submitting homework.

I will not accept homework in any form other than PDF.

I will not accept homework via email. Use Gradescope.


I offer you 1 homework bonus point per homework turned in using the LaTeX typesetting language; you must typeset exercises legibly. I wrote a short PDF on how to use LaTeX; you can use its source code as a startup template. The easiest way to get started is to make an account on Overleaf so you can view and compile .tex files; if you end up using LaTeX more frequently, you will probably want a different setup.

If you choose not to learn LaTeX, you can use a PDF scanning application to submit your homework. I think “Tiny Scanner” is nice; you can download it on your phone with either Android or iOS.

Here are documents on basic proof techniques and proof-writing style for your reference.


As a portion of your grade, you must contribute to our class notes. This can be done in one of the following two ways.

All contributions must be approved by me in advance. The typing can be done either as plain-text or in $\LaTeX{}$; in either case students must discuss formatting with me before beginning their work.


22 January 2020 W

24 January 2020 F

27 January 2020 M

29 January 2020 W

31 January 2020 F

3 February 2020 M

5 February 2020 W

7 February 2020 F

10 February 2020 M

12 February 2020 W

14 February 2020 F

17 February 2020 M

19 February 2020 W

21 February 2020 F

24 February 2020 M

26 February 2020 W

28 February 2020 F

2 March 2020 M

4 March 2020 W

6 March 2020 F

9 March 2020 M

11 March 2020 W

13 March 2020 F

Note on Coronavirus Changes

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the remainder of the course went online. I have grouped the remainder of the semester by week (because this is more natural for an online course).

Old Lecture Notes

Here are lecture notes taken and plain-text typed by students–with editing and further LaTeX formatting done by me–for lectures before the class went online.

Week 9 (15 March 2020 -- 22 March 2020)

Week 10 (22 March 2020 -- 28 March 2020)

Week 11 (29 March 2020 -- 4 April 2020)

Spring Break (5 April 2020 -- 11 April 2020)

Week 12 (12 April 2020 -- 18 April 2020)

Week 13 (19 April 2020 -- 25 April 2020)

Week 14 (26 April 2020 -- 2 May 2020)

Week 15 (3 May 2020 -- 9 May 2020)


Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, final exams will be administered orally over Zoom.

Here a list of topics to guide your studying for your oral final.

1 If you have an idea to improve this space, please email eppolito-at-math-dot-binghamton-dot-edu with your suggestion; I would like this space to be as useful to students as possible…
2 If you have trouble viewing the videos through Safari, you can either use another browser or try this solution from reddit.