Calculus I

Purpose of this Page

This is the official course website for Calculus I (math100-e24), taught by Chris Eppolito at The University of the South in the Easter semester of 2024. This website is the main source of information for this course, and the main method for distribution of course materials.

The navbar at the top of the page has most of the links you will need.

If you have an idea to make the website more useful to you, please email me with your suggestion!

Course Information

Instructor Chris Eppolito (he/him) <- christopher-dot-eppolito-a​t-sewanee-dot-edu
Section A MWF 08:00-08:50 in Woods 121
Section B MWF 09:00-09:50 in Woods 121
Office Hours Monday 15:30–18:00 and Wednesday 10:00–13:00 (or by appointment) in Woods Lab 127
Tutor Lab Sunday through Thursday, 7pm–9pm in Woods 123
Webpage Calculus I Homepage

Study Tips

This is a place for study tips.

Many of these were sent to me by students from past classes. If you have a study tip you'd like to share, please email me and I will add it :)

  1. You can do it, and Chris can help!
  2. Don't look up answers; do things on your own and ask a human for help when you get stuck.1
  3. The best way to learn maths is to teach it. Make a study group, and work together whenever possible.
  4. Practice makes perfect! Do the practice problems; you learn maths by doing maths.
  5. Don't procrastinate! Set goals or make a to-do list for the class each day and make sure you achieve it.
  6. Take notes on the lectures, videos, and practice problems.

Respect my work

I expect you to respect my work and only use the content of this course website in contexts that are educational in nature and in no way contribute to monetary profit for you or any other party. I do not approve in any way of the use of the content on this website for any purposes other than personal use in non-profit contexts. Individual human beings (and explicitly NOT corporate entities) are free to use this content for their own personal growth. No corporation or business of any kind should expect to use my original content for their gain. I also explicitly disapprove of the use of my content for training artificial intelligence models of any kind.



Editor's note: Chris thinks he's a human, so you could ask him.